Sunday, May 20, 2012

OMG she bakes!!!

Yes, yes I do and I love it. After talking to so many people over the years, I have come to the conclusion I am unique. I like cooking and baking. It relaxes me and unwinds me. I will be up at 2am just baking to my hearts content. Sometimes dinner is done by 3 pm and I have to keep reheating. Other times even, I will cook dinner than still have the itch to cook so I will prepare the next days dinner, bake a cake and make muffins.
With my husband gone, I have to really tone down on the amount I bake since there is only so much small children can eat. I do take stuff to the fire department and give it away to friends, but its still not enough and I am sure that secretly they think I am insane. You should have just seen the look the firefighter got when he helped me unload 48 muffins, 2 breads, and 3 cakes that I had baked all for them.

Today I had an urge to just cook to my hearts content. The kids were playing with playdoh after eating this delicious breakfast :

recipe: WRAP

 and I was free to just cook and bake.

Breakfast I have the hardest time. I don't like giving them cereal and I don't have a habit to eat cereal. Its not a brazillian thing ;) also poptarts makes me shudder. I honestly think they are absolute nasty. Hey I said I was unique read weird!!  so they get oatmeal, yogurt, homemade pancakes, homemade waffles, and during the weekends I make eggs or omelets but its still not enough. I get bored after eating the same couple things, I am guessing the kids are the same because they haven't really been wanting to eat their breakfast and since I am trying to wade through the hundreds of pins I have on pintrest, the winner became this yogurt strawberry cake:

recipe :  Cake
 It does take some sugar (that I toned down with splenda and brown sugar) and some buttermilk (that I subbed for milk/lemon juice) but overall its pretty healthy. So I made it and OMG its so good. Definitely a keeper and it would have been wonderful if I stopped at that. But of course not. Since I had everything out I also decided to make some banana bread, pumpkin muffins, pork chops with sweetpotato hash and dinner is sitting in the crockpot already. I am also debating on making a pretzel strawberry torte that everyone keeps raving about it. I am telling you I have

ps. If you have any new ideas that you can share on what to feed kids breakfast please share. I am not a huge breakfast fan (I like breakfast food for dinner) and I am perfectly content with just a cup of ice coffee, but unfortunately kids don't do well with coffee. Darn!!!

Love A


Our Traveling Circus said...

Adopt me?! Everything you make sounds delicious! :)

Ally said...

Heck I would adopt you. One of my biggest happiness is feeding people and people that will give me feedback unlike my children that will just say "It needs more ketchup". Their answer for everything lol