Monday, November 10, 2008


I havent been here because I have been under construction. Meaning not only my house, but my life in general. Some things have happened that has really made me question who I let in my life anymore. I am sick and tired of getting dissapointed. I am done.
So I was under construction for a while and now I am freshly remoled and ready for some more :)

A couple interesting things have happened over the past couple weeks.

-I really think on wed I am going to go file for divorce. You ask why?? Well I am going to divorce my hubby over hanging pictures frames. I am serious. Its either divorce of kill him. Holly crap I cant believe how farking hard it is for both of us to be able to hang some picture frames. Give me a break. I have raised my middle finger this week at him more times than I care to count.
Today we will try again. Either our walls are really hard or he is just slow...*anger anger anger*.

-I got amazing deals on stuff for the baby. I now have a swing, crib, bassinet, bouncy chair, and clothes until she is 4. All for very cheap. If it wasnt for her bedding set that will set me back a good $200 bucks (hey mommy did you hear that. I want a bedding set :)),I would be able to do all her room under $500. That is pretty freaking awesome.

-I am redoing Tylers room. That is one farked up project. I will talk about it more later because i have to keep my blood pressure in check.

-I will have my ultrasound done when I am 32 wks. thats the only time they had available. I swear if I wasnt raised better by my parents I would have called that lady every name in the book.

-I ended up getting my sewing machine last night since I want to sew a couple of stuff before Christmas.
You should seen us, 4 1/2farking hours watching the instructional video just to try to learn how to thread the needle.
Again I raised my middle finger to him more than I care to admit. And we sitll not aye aye aye

1 comment:

Mommadisco said...

Gratz on the sweet deal you scored on babyness =)