I absolutetly love Miami. The vibe, the strong smell of salt water, the pink buildings, the palm trees, everyone carrying fendi's and bumping into one Lamborghini after the other is just too cool. I dont go often because asides from being about 40 miles south of where I live, Miami's traffic is one of the worst. Its not worst than Houston, but the drivers are. Also 99% of the exits off the highway in Florida are on the right hand side, once you get to Miami, they have half on the right half on the left. We are not used to that, including yours trully. So you can only imagine how often I get lost and how many times my stupid Garmin uttered "recalculating" with an attitude. Then there is the other rude drivers, they will pull up in front of you, cut you off, slam on their breaks. Just rude rude, but considering I have been in a good mood for the past couple of days and have been so calm, it felt like the right time to go.
I have been to the museum once about 15 years ago when I was in middle school. They have renovated and I been dying to take the kids.But first we made a pit stop at The port of Miami. The kids had a blast seeing all the big cruise ships. It was amazing.
Then on to the museum which also had a big section dedicated to the cruise ships.It took everything in me to pry the kids away from "steering" the big ship and get them to look at other stuff. Also right now they are having "Mr Potato head" exhibit. So the kids went nuts over that, they also loved all the hands on stuff. From the supermarket, to the dentist chair, to the bank, and everything in between. Tyler's favorite was definitely the police station. Ju loved the supermarket. She parked the shopping cart by the chickens and filled it up. She wanted nothing to do with anything else except those chickens. She was rubbing and caressing them and throwing them on the cart. Very disturbing and I have no idea where she got it from because never once have I fondled a chicken at the supermarket.
Anyways, after spending hours at the museum, having a yummy lunch, I decided to take the long way home. I drove up A1A (the last street east before the beach) and we went through South Beach. If you have never been you should really experience it. Where else in the world can you get a cuban cofee, find a Santeria shop and be behind Taylor Swift's tour bus in traffic??
Its just a mesh of cultures and types, always good for a laugh, not to mention all the eye candy. Shirts are optional in South Beach and most guys take that to heart. Just be careful, it is South Beach and do a double take, cause you might be staring at a hot guy and then find out its actually a woman :O
I am just happy its one more week down and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for this deployment. We only got about 30% to go. Thank God :)
Here are some pictures :

1 comment:
That looks like an amazing Children's Museum! Love the giant toothbrush!
Glad you had a fun adventure!
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