Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hey, it's okay :

1. To spend all day cuddling on the couch with your children while the dust bunnies multiply

2. To sing off key at the top of your lungs and not care who is watching.

3. To tell your husband you have a headache, let him handle the children bathtime routine while you go cuddle with your kindle.

4. To want, need and miss your mommy. Never too old to get hugs and cuddles from mommy.

5. To hand over the kitchen to your father every holiday, because no matter what, he is an amazing cook.

6. To send your husband silly text messages during the day just to bug him.

7. To build a fort with your kids and then wrestle around while the dishes are still in the sink

8. To make a mean face and shoot your son in the bootie with the nerf gun even though you have said a million times "NO shooting inside the house"

9. To ignore the laundry while you spend all day in the kitchen baking your family's favorite. Who needs clean underwear anyways when they got a full happy tummy??

10. To not put your child back in bed in the middle of the night, because even though they sleep like they are making snow angels, there is nothing more wonderful than cuddling with your babies

11. To put your cold feet underneath your husbands warm leg and smack him when he complains

12. To eat french toast for dinner. Spinach, balanced, nutritious is just too boring 7 days a week.

13. To let your children stay up late just because they called you "the most beautiful princess ever"

14. To feel blessed and not ashamed of it.

15. To ignore phone calls and text messages while you are still trying to get that dang third star in Angry Birds.

16. To love God, Jesus, be thankful you are saved and have no shame of it.

(Joining in with Amber at : )

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