I just got my hair done and I love it. For the first time in a long time I am happy. I had the same style since hs. I been in desperate need of a change and what easier way to do than changing my do.
A couple of posts back you will see I cut it, then I did a DIY home kit and tried a dark red. Didn't work. I ended up with just tinted red hair.
Finally on friday, I had court in the morning (dumping out soda out of my car window just the liquid and getting a ticket for littering and feeling it was unfair so decided to fight and it was the pretrial hearing). Well couldn't take Ju with me. Something about courthouses deeming lighters, matches, weapons and children a nono. Mommy babysat and after I was done, she asked me to give her a ride to the hair saloon. When we got there, she convinced me to go inside. I had no plans to do anything yet because I didn't know what I wanted and I also had baby with me. I can get my nails done with Ju just fine. She will sit on my lap play with my hair and be a good girl. Hair saloon was new territory. I decided to take the risk.
I went inside and told the guy do whatever you think it will look good. I need some highlights and at least shoulder length in order to tie it back but do what you please. This was my first time getting a hair cut by a guy and I was a bit intimidated. Well he said something about a cut, layers, some honey brown highlights, something for the roots and looking like a princess after he was done. He is Puerto Rican and spoke in such an adorable accent, he could have said short and green and I would have nodded yes.
Ju was a trooper. She was sitting with me for a while then started walking around the saloon. All the guys were wrapped around her little finger, giving her toys to play, snacks, and just loving on her. My mom just touched up her gray and 50 minutes later and I was done.
I loved it. He did such a good job and I extremely happy with it. I will go back to him every single time.
So without further ado here are the pictures :
**Please excuse the self portraits. I am um capable of taking a decent picture and a photogenic award will never be in my future.

Before. Besides a little wrinkles around the eyes, it mirrors my yearbook picture.

DIY Attempt at dark red. Never again!

Finally a style I am happy with :) (Please do not judge me by my horrible 1950's cabinet and overhead lighting. I rent and have a very difficult landlord and I refuse to take pictures in the bathroom in front of the toilet like so many people seem to do nowadays!!!!!!!
Through all of this I learned a very important lesson, yes at home is cheaper and easier, but somethings you just can't afford to save money.
Love A
I personally love your self-portraits! I think their full of real personality! The financial investment was well worth it. It looks great!
It looks great! Now you need the cute homecoming outfit to go with the cute new 'do!!
Thank you guys. I am really happy with it the homecoming outfit is proving to be a pain. I have no clue none what I want to wear..lol
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